Privacy Policy

By using our Services, you agree to the following Privacy Policy:

1. Collected Personal Data:
We collect the following personal data from you:
• Discord OAuth2 Data
• IP Address: Collected only when you use our report form and retained for a brief period (5 minutes) to ensure service integrity and security.
• Geolocation Data: We collect average geolocation data (country, region, and city) from your device to provide a general understanding of the location where your account activities occur.
• Additional Details: For account sessions, we may collect your device type to enhance service performance and security.

2. Data Collection:
Upon Registration or Login: We collect necessary data to create and manage your account.
When Using Our Report Form: Specific data, including your IP address and geolocation details, is collected to ensure the authenticity and security of the reports submitted.

3. Purposes of Use:
Internal Authentication: To verify user identity and provide a secure and personalized user experience.
Service Improvement: To enhance the functionality and security of our services, ensuring they meet your needs and expectations effectively.
Location Awareness: To provide detailed information regarding the geographical location of your account access for enhanced security.

4. Storage Duration:
We store your personal data indefinitely.

5. Data Security:
We take reasonable security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure. Your personal data is stored in our internal private database, which is protected by appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access.

6. Third-Party Disclosure:
We do not share your personal data with third parties.

7. Cross-Border Transfers:
We do not transfer your personal data outside of the country.

8. User Rights:
You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. You can request the deletion of all your data at any time by submitting a Discord ticket.

9. Cookies:
We use cookies to store your authentication information to provide you with a seamless user experience.

10. Changes to the Privacy Policy:
We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Updated: 27. January 2024